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MASTERCLASS "From the actual documentary to the real obscene"

Data do evento
3 de February de 2020
17:00 - 19:00
Auditorium João Mota | ESTC
Department of Theatre & Prado Association

The PRADO association, in partnership with the Higher School of Theatre and Cinema, presents February 3 in the auditorium João Mota of ESTC. "From the actual documentary to the real obscene", a Masterclass of Janaine Leite

In 2008, the Brazilian director and researcher Janaine Leite, initiated the research on the use of the documentary and biographical material on scene. From that stage, in addition to spectacles, it also results in the book "Performative self-scriptures: from the journal to the scene", published by the renowned Editora Perspectiva. In recent years, it has been making landmark in its work, the passage of a "real documentary" or "ethnographic" to an "real obscene",-taking here the ob-ceno as the "out-of-scene", that which threatens to break the bulkhead of the depiction-mainly, from his last work "Stabat Mater" in which the director integrated into the process of creating his royal mother and a porn actor.

On the encounter, between expositive and practical, Janaina resumes the steps of that trajectory to distinguish, in a first moment, what would be the real as "subject" in scene of a real one as "irruption", as an event. It addresses notions such as personal testimony, performativity and theatres of the real.

Janaina Leite is an actress, director and playwright.

It is one of the founders of the award-winning XIX Group of Theatre of São Paulo. It has already performed in countries such as France, Germany, Portugal, Cape Verde and England. With the shows "Fest of separation: a comedic documentary" and "Conversations with my father" began his research on the documentary and the use of autobiographical material on scene. Janaina is a doctoral candidate by the School of Communication and Arts at USP and a FAPESP stock-stock. Acts in the orientation of workshops, courses and lectures all over Brazil. It is author of the book "Performative self-scriptures: from the journal to the scene", published by the Editora Perspectiva. Orient also the research cores "Feminine Abject 1" and "Feminine abject 2-The vortex of the masculine", fundamental labs for the creation of its new spectacle "Stabat Mater".

"Stabat Mater" had its text contemplated by the Dramaturgy Edital for Small Forforms of the São Paulo Cultural Center, was also among the finalists of the USP's nascent Concourse and integrated the São Paulo International Show (MIT-Sp) in 2019. The spectacle was among the finalists of the APCA award as best spectacle, best dramaturgy by the Shell award and was chosen as the best spectacle of the year by the critics of the State Journal and the Folha de São Paulo. The work premiered in June 2019 on the CCSP and is part of its research on the real obscene.