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Two ESTC Alumni scored presence at the Berlinale 2022 with the films "By Flávio" by Pedro Cabeleira and with Leonor Teles in the direction of photography and "Super Natural", the first feature film by Jorge Jácome, which was distinguished with the International Federation of Film Critics ' Prize (Fipresci). The cinematography of the work was in charge of Marta Simões, also graduates in Cinema, by ESTC, branch of Image.

Jorge Jácome explained, in an interview with Lusa, that the film began by being a project of a stage spectacle of the Teatro Prague with the Madeirense association of inclusive art Dancing with the Difference, to premiere in 2020, had not happened a pandemic.

" I joined the project and rethought everything so that ideas could be turned into a film. We were two weeks in Madeira filming with the interpreters and then it was a gradual process of assembly, co-writing, to come up with this final result ".

The film's premiere in Berlin was attended by the team and elements of Danscratch with the Difference.

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